Monday, July 9, 2007

My Crazy Life

Life has been so crazy and full of events. We went up to Tennessee Tuesday and came back yesterday. There will be another entry on that trip when I have longer to write and share the pictures. It was fun, but exhausting! I feel like I'm always behind. There's always housework, laundry, school work, and Young Women stuff to do. Once this semester is over, I will have to have a party!!! Perhaps it will be a scrapbooking party for myself. I would love some time in my scrapbooking room all by myself!!! Anyway, I was reading from 5 minutes for mom and they are giving away a really neat item! It's called neat receipts. Check it out! I would have less clutter if I won one! I have a lot more to write, but right now I'm out of time. I have to do a quick interview with a student and then come home and write it all up. Sounds like a great night!